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Merus® Adulticide

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Application Method

Ground + Aerial ULV

Labeled Treatment Areas

Certified Organic Areas

IRAC Mode of Action

3A Pyrethroids/Pyrethrins

Active Ingredient

Natural Pyrethrins

  • 有效成分是天然除虫菊酯,一种植物杀虫剂
  • Only OMRI Listed 灭虫剂,用于大面积灭蚊
  • 低气味配方不含石油馏分
  • 符合美国农业部的国家有机计划标准,用于有机生产
  • 标记为空中和地面应用在住宅,商业和农业领域

Product Details

About Merus®

For sustainably-driven communities and mosquito abatement districts with organically-grown agriculture, Merus is a mosquito control solution that lets you use one product for all your wide-area ULV treatments. Merus is 有机材料评论协会(OMRI)上市 and meets the USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) standards for adult mosquito control in and around organic gardens, farms and over crops. 结合乐虎网的OMRI列表的力量 Natular® larvicides, communities have a holistic solution for mosquito control that is fully compatible with organic farming.

Formulated with a low-odor solvent system that improves affordability and optimizes the potential of natural pyrethrins, Merus is a highly-effective mosquito control product that makes managing the complex interface between conventional farming, 有机农业与城市或住宅环境无缝衔接.

  • OMRI Listed adulticide 用于有机认证操作
  • Botanical insecticide,天然存在于菊花中
  • Effective control 不添加化学增效剂

About Natural Pyrethrins

The active ingredient in Merus 3.0是天然除虫菊酯,已知最古老的杀虫剂之一. Natural pyrethrins are a botanical insecticide produced naturally by flowers in the chrysanthemum family.

据信,天然除虫菊酯含有六种活性异构体, 与只含有一种或两种活性异构体的合成拟除虫菊酯相比. 无论是天然的还是合成的, these active isomers work to effectively attack a mosquito’s nervous system functionality by binding to the insect’s sodium channels. The greater number of active isomers in natural pyrethrins is thought to provide a more complex effect on the mosquito and allow for a robust effect on a wide range of species.

Merus and the Environment

Merus offers exceptional mosquito control efficacy with a very favorable environmental profile. 在其最终配方中,Merus®3.0 is a non-persistent adulticide with low acute toxicity that provides effective control without chemical synergists.

Merus in Sunlight

Pyrethrins are photolabile, meaning that their molecules easily break down when exposed to sunlight. 在没有阳光的情况下,会发生适度快速的好氧和厌氧土壤降解.

Merus in Soil

After a Merus application, 微量的除虫菊酯会与土壤结合并留在土壤中, 并且不会进一步进入植物, through the soil column, 或者集中在生物体内(生物积累).

Merus in Water

Merus的应用方式限制了处理区域的沉积, 而且应用不会对健康的水生栖息地构成风险. 然而,直接接触本产品确实会对某些水生生物造成风险. Please refer to the product label for specific organisms of concern and for application instruction designed to mitigate non-target risks.

Merus and Animals

EPA已经对Merus进行了评估,并决定根据标签指南使用它, in residential areas, which can include gardens, 以及有机农业种植区, 不会对人类或动物造成重大危险. Merus has low mammalian toxicity.

Merus and Bees

因为Merus应用的方式和应用的时间, 治疗不应影响有益, pollinating insects, like bees and butterflies. Merus适用于小液滴,在环境中迅速分解. 因为该产品必须在蚊子飞行时击中蚊子才能产生效果, 在夜间蚊子和其他昆虫活跃的时候喷洒, such as bees and butterflies, are not active. 使用后处理区域的残留物是无毒的.

Applying Merus

Merus is labeled for ultra-low volume (ULV) mosquito control applications by ground (truck or ATV), by air, and through a backpack sprayer. 通过所有标准ULV应用设备和喷嘴进行性能优化, 对您的应用程序系统没有腐蚀作用.

Merus提供了一个非常灵活的应用率范围,从0.56 – 0.88 fl/oz acre. 菜单标签也允许最多2个应用程序.81 fl.盎司/英亩时,针对难以控制的物种. 请参阅产品标签以获得完整的使用指导.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Merus?
Merus is an EPA-registered product for public health mosquito control that contains natural pyrethrin, 哪一种是从菊花中提炼出来的. Merus配方不含化学增效剂或石油馏出物, 并且可以通过地面或空中应用系统来控制飞行, biting mosquitoes.

Merus is applied through ultra-low volume (ULV) spray equipment that converts a liquid mosquito control product into an ultra-fine spray cloud composed of microscopic droplets. The droplets are so small that more than 15 individual droplets could fit on the head of a pin. The small size of the droplets allows them to float through the air for a short period of time so they can come in contact with flying mosquitoes. 这种液滴的配方被设计成能穿透蚊子身体的角质层, reaching and affecting its nervous system to knock it down and ultimately deliver mortality.

Yes. Merus is Organic Material Review Institute (OMRI) Listed for wide area mosquito control applications in and around organic farms and gardens. The OMRI Listed status of Merus means its components meet the Organic Materials Review Institute standards for ingredients that can be used in organic production or processing, 符合美国农业部国家有机计划(NOP)标准.

No. In studies with pyrethrins, the active ingredient in Merus, applications made directly to flowering plants at application rates more than 10 times the rates used in mosquito control did not affect honeybees or adversely affect the conditions of bee colonies, individual survival, flight intensity, or brood development.

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Karen Larson
产品创新副总裁 & Government Affairs

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